Friday Oct 23rd.

THE WRITING of my new book  is going well and is (so far) on track with my schedule, that is 16,000 words at the end of week two. In fairness it has taken me about six weeks to really refine the "plot" - which has been fun as it's excitingly complicated. However in this, my third novel, I'm making changes to my style - aiming for shorter chapters, and each one ending with a  "juicy morsel" that makes the reader keen to head on for the next chapter. Anyway, I'm really enjoying the ravelling and unravelling of the story-line, and the development of the characters. Hopefully a few folks will like the finished article.

OPINIONS are like noses - everybody has one and I'm no exception to the rule. In writing my blog, I am bound, from time to time, to voice an opinion that ruffles a few feathers here and there. But, in a society that still alleges to permit non-offensive free-speech, I hope that I'm to be allowed  to exercise this privilege without unintentionally incurring the wrath of some lobby or two. Thank you.

A DAY OFF. Last Tuesday I abandoned my PC and travelled across to the the Imperial War Museums aircraft facility at Duxford, near Cambridge. What a fantastic place that is, with many aircraft being open to the public, including a Concorde and a famous old Lancaster bomber. If you've not been, it's well worth the effort. But, be warned, to do it justice will take more than one visit. For the real enthusiast it's probably worth checking into a local hotel for a night or two.

SMART METERS. Yes, I can see some merit in the concept, but I'm totally opposed to having one installed. That is until I'm assured that the meter would be inter-changeable between suppliers, were I to switch at some stage. Currently we have the usual mess. On the one hand the Government - ever free with taxpayers money - is funding a programme to have them installed nationwide. Yet, at the same time, it looks to me as though householders are continually being advised to check out suppliers, and switch where the deal looks better. Ah, excuse me, what about the bill for a new meter?  Fortunately I'm with a great supplier (gas/electric/ broadband and home phone) proving everything in one package. I read my two meters on the last day of each month, visit the supplier's website and send in my readings. Added to that. on the website the supplier puts down my estimated usage for that month, allowing me to see if my readings look about right or if I've used a little more than anticipated. What could be simpler and safer? With increased meter dependency, how long will it be before some twerp finds a way of hacking the system and creating total mayhem? Progress - I'll pass thank you!


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