Friday October 20th.

I am pleased to report that work on my next book is going to plan. By mid-October the plot and characters were all detailed out, leaving me to maintain a writing schedule of some 8,000 words a week. On track at the end of week one! Well - it's a start.

Having already completed two e-books, of 145,000 words each, and that can be found on Amazon, I realise that writing them was the easy bit. The hard part is creating sales. In fairness there must be thousands of "wanna be " authors out there, so breaking though the barrier is difficult. Of course, because agents and publishers are in business, investing in a new author can always represent a risk. But, with hindsight, perhaps the worst part is being told by an agent or publisher that they found the manuscript interesting, but that it wasn't for them. Very carefully, they avoid saying what is for them!

Anyway I like thinking out a good story, creating my characters and mapping out their life-styles and routines. After that comes the challenge of mixing the details in with the pace. Too much of one, and not enough of the other, can make for difficulties. Nevertheless it's fun and maybe - one day - someone will "discover" me.


Sadly, the newspapers make for some dismal reading, especially when it comes to reports on violent robberies and knife-crime. And now, with the police being subjected to reductions and every action they take being scrutinised, where will it end? At what point will politicians appreciate that the fear of capture and punishment is no longer a deterrent and start offering the public better protection by tackling the problem at source. Perhaps some of those moped thugs would think twice, knowing that if caught they would face six months in an army camp being chased from sun up to sun down - seven days a week by fearsome drill-instructors, and where their civil rights ceased upon entering the camp gates! Come on, they showed scant regard for their victims rights, so why worry about there's? Then, to see if it works - run a check on how many go back for a second dose!


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